Tuesday 6 November 2012

Why run the MdS? That's a fair question...

What is the Marathon des Sables ("MdS")?

The MdS is sometimes called “the toughest foot race on earth". So, what would possess anyone to want to run it? Before answering that I am first going to explain a bit about what this jaunt in the desert involves.

Here are a few race facts and figures to set the scene:
  • It is a multi-stage foot race of approximately 250 kilometres (156 miles)in the Moroccan Sahara.
  • The distance of the six stages in 2012 were: 33.8km, 38.5km, 35.0km, 81.5km, 42.4km and 15.5km.
  • Competitors’ backpacks contain food, sleeping gear and other essential kit necessary for the duration of the race.
  • Participants sleep in 8 person bivouacs in the desert.
  • 854 people started the race in 2012 but only 795 finished.
  • The temperatures are brutal. In 2011 the lowest temperature during the race was 21°C and the highest was 56°C.
  • The race is no walk in the park! The terrain is inhospitable. In 2012 the average speed of the winner was only 12.4kph.
  • Despite the heat water is strictly rationed. During the race 120,000+ litres of water is distributed.
  • The race is no walk in the park! The terrain is inhospitable. In 2012 the average speed of the winner was only 12.4kph.
  • Despite the heat water is strictly rationed. During the race 120,000+ litres of water is distributed.
  • To get a visual taste of what the race involves go to www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItSUNaCvOH8

Still can't visualise it?

My running (in)experience

As I explained in an earlier post I began running in 2008. I would not consider myself to be a particularly experienced runner and would definitely fall into the "amateur" category. I am, however, committed and train diligently. In October 2010 I joined a running club - Ranelagh Harriers (www.ranelagh-harriers.com). This has taught me how to train more intelligently, has pushed me a bit harder and I get to train with a great bunch of people.

Since I started running I have run a number of races of differing distances. Over the past four years or so my running has gradually moved towards longer distance races. For quite sometime after I began running I swore I would never run a marathon and certainly could not fathom why anyone would run an ultra. Never say never!

  Race distance No. of races
  5k (including parkrun)
  10 miles
  Half marathon
  Twenty miles

Note: excludes duathlons and cross country races

In a separate post I intend to cover my training and races in 2012 to date, as well as my training plans between now and the MdS which starts on 7 April 2013.

Why do I want to run the MdS?

If I mulled this over I could think of all sorts of clever and profound things to say. Or maybe not! So, here are a few of the reasons I have for wanting to run and complete the race:
  • The enormity of the challenge that awaits us is unimaginable.  How can you train for that?!
  • Physically it will be exceptionally tough, mentally it will be even harder.
  • My objective is to succeed in an unfamiliar environment and achieve something phenomenal in the face of extreme adversity.
  • It is an opportunity to raise money for charity.